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Asante PO40指式血含氧儀血含氧量(SpO2,70~100%) 即時檢測 ACCARE | FS20C 血含氧儀為什麼要檢測血含氧量?美國醫學界發現有新冠肺炎患者儘管血液的含氧水平低至危險程度..
Just when you thought iMac had everything, now there´s even more. More powerful Intel Core 2 Duo pro..
FORA 福爾6合1 E世代多功能血糖機瑞士品牌 只需一部掌上測量儀,就可量測尿酸、血糖、HCT、HB、血酮、膽固醇六種生理參數,可另外購買專用試紙。適合關注血糖人士或生酮飲食人士。只需要一..
Revolutionary multi-touch interface. iPod touch features the same multi-touch screen technology as..
Born to be worn. Clip on the worlds most wearable music player and take up to 240 songs with y..